Emotion Charge

Volvo Landing pages

UI Design



UI Designer

Project overview:

Emotion is a third party lead generating business for EV companies based in Spain. Their goal is to help automakers and dealerships accelerate the transition to electric cars, paving the way towards a more sustainable future in Spain and beyond. Thus, in order to generate more leads I had to redesign the homepage to be more intuitive and user-friendly.

The main challenge was that the previous design was not optimised, it did not adhere to Emotion Charge's branding and was not generating enough leads.

I tackled this by making sure to balance aesthetics and functionality - I followed the company’s brand guidelines to ensure consistency in colors, fonts, and imagery. Moreover, I engaged with stakeholders to review and approve the design, ensuring it aligns with the company’s vision and values.

  • Deep dive in the brand guidelines to make sure Emotion Charge branding enhances the chances of conversion
  • Reviewed competitor landing pages for best practices and inspiration.
  • Designed mobile first, because according to Google Analytics data most previous users join the websites/ landing pages from their mobile device.
  • Created prototypes to make sure I can easily highlight and explain the use of the newly designed form.
  • Made sure the page starts with an offer banner to imediately grab the attention of the user.
  • Redesigned the form to make it adhere to branding and try and give the user a feeling of trust through cleanliness.
  • Highlighted experiences of customers who benefited from previous offers by adding a Google Reviews widget.
  • Ensured both designs are being created for mobile, tablet, and desktop views.
  • Cohesive look and feel that resonated with the target audience.
  • Reinforced the company’s branding.
  • Positive client feedback regarding the design, navigation, and information clarity.

